Sunday, 8th September 2019 - Castlederg Parish Newsletter -

P A R I S H  O F  A R D S T R A W  W E S T  &  C A S T L E D E R G

St Mary’s, Dregish | St Patrick’s, Castlederg | St Francis of Assisi, Drumnabey

CONTACT:Rev Paul Fraser PP, 16 Castlefin Road, Castlederg BT81 7BT - Telephone: 028 8167 1393

Neighbouring Priests

Fr Patsy Arkinson, Sessiaghoneill 00353 7491 31149

Fr Roland Colhoun, Newtownstewart 028 816 61445

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St Vincent de Paul Society Helpline: 028 7138 4488

Parish Website: Diocesan Website:

Please Note: Notices for inclusion in Parish Newsletter must be submitted before 12:00 noon on Thursdays. Thank you. 


Sunday, 8th September 2019

23rd Sunday Ordinary Time


(Saturday 7 September to Sunday 15 September)

St Patrick’s, Castlederg

Saturday Vigil 6:00 pm

Sunday (8 Sep) 11:00 am

Monday 7:30 pm

Friday 10:00 am

St Mary’s, Dregish

Sunday 9:00 am

St Francis of Assisi, 

Drumnabey Sunday 12:30 pm

St Patrick’s, Aghyaran

Saturday Vigil 7:30 pm

Tuesday 10:00 am

Thursday 10:00 am

Sunday (15 Sep) 11:00 am

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: St Patrick’s, Castlederg - Fridays from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm.

CONFESSIONS: St Patrick’s, Castlederg - Saturdays from 5:15 to 5:45 pm.

BAPTISMS will be celebrated in St Patrick’s Church on Saturdays 14 September and 12 October at 4:00 pm.

Baptisms in St Mary’s and St Francis of Assisi churches are by arrangement (Saturdays also). Please book your child’s Baptism with the Sacristan at least 1 week beforehand.

SAFEGUARDING: If you have a safeguarding concern, please contact one of our Diocesan Designated Persons (Mr Noel O Donnell - 075 9650 0793/Mrs Celine McKenna - 077 0731 1358), who are responsible for receiving, managing and reporting concerns or complaints relating to safeguarding within the Church. You may also contact statutory authorities directly. Further details may be found on Church noticeboards.

THANK YOU for your generosity towards the last 2 week’s Church collections. The total amounts collected were £1760 and £1870. Your support is much appreciated.



Led by Bishop Donal McKeown. Stations of the Cross 2:00 pm, Mass 3:00 pm, with Sacrament of the Sick. Buses available, with a variety of pick-up points. For details, contact Fr Patrick Lagan at or 028 7126 2894.

A Bus will be leaving from Castlederg to travel on this Pilgrimage. Further details later.

We pray for the happy repose of the soul of EAMON MAGUIRE RIP, formerly of 40 Kilmore Road, Drumquin, whose burial took place on Saturday 7 September in Drumquin. We offer our sympathy and prayerful support to his partner Martina, his daughter Seannan, his mother Josephine and his brother Shane. Also to his wider family circle and friends.

May Eamon’s soul rest in peace.

PARISH PRAYER GROUP: Prayer meetings will resume in St Patrick’s Parish Hall at 8:00 pm on Fridays 13 and 27 September and will continue on the second and fourth Fridays of each month. We would encourage as many members of our Parish family as possible to attend. Tea and refreshments after the meeting.


Date to keep free! The Parish Community Walk to Sliabh Troim (Bessie Bell) - Saturday 21 September. Registration at 9:30 for 10:00 am start. £10 contribution towards SMA Missions and 3A’s Charity. We will follow the Ulster Way route, so mainly quiet roads and lanes (about 5 miles each way). Three possible starting points - Section 1 St Eugene's Hall to Ulster Way marker, Baronscourt Road (1.37 miles/22 mins walk/rise of

132 ft). Section 2 Baronscourt Rd to Cashty Rd (1.61 miles/28 mins walk/rise of 390 ft). Section 3 Cashty Rd to Donal Gorm's Cairn (1.91 miles/40 mins walk rise of 625 ft). Hope to see there!"

Action On Hearing Loss: Geraldine Keys will do a presentation on Monday 16 September at 8:00 pm. The aim is to make everyone, of all ages, aware of the importance of having hearing checks and realising the effects that everyday things like tractors, lawnmowers and loud music have on our hearing. We get our eyes and teeth checked but leave our hearing checks! All ages welcome. A small donation to the charity would be appreciated.

THE POPE JOHN PAUL II AWARD NATIONAL PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK SHRINE: ‘Life to the Full – Positive Friendships – Your Parish Needs You Now!’ - Friday 27 September - For young people aged 16 & 18. Begins at 11:00 am and concludes after 3:00 pm Mass, celebrated by Bishop Donal McKeown. Transport provided. For info, contact Catechetical Centre at 027 7126 4087/ Last date to book - Monday 23 September.

ANAM CARA, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Bereavement Information Evening on Thursday 12 September at 7:20 pm in the Raddison Blu Hotel, Letterkenny. Free event and open to all bereaved parents. Please RSVP to info@anamcara.iebefore Wednesday 11 September or call 00353 1404 5378.

FRANCISCAN FRIARY, ROSSNOWLAGH, CO DONEGAL: A Triduum in Preparation for the Feast of St Padre Pio - Friday 20 until Monday 23 September. Mass, Homily and Blessing of Relic at 7:30 pm. Mass each evening. Preacher - Fr Pius McLaughlin OFM, who met Padre Pio. All very welcome for these prayerful celebrations.

LEARNING YOUR FAITH: Weekly Catechism Programme for adults begins at the Oratory, Newtownstewart, on Monday 16 September at 7:00 pm. Would you like to understand the Catholic faith better? Do you have answers to tough questions when you need them? This is an interactive way of learning the Catechism. Come along!

COMPASSIONATE COMMUNITIES: A partnership of local organisations working to improve the quality of life of people living on the spectrum of a life-limiting illness, caregiving, death, dying and loss. Its ‘Reach Out’ scheme is recruiting volunteers to befriend someone experiencing isolation due to illness, death and bereavement. Could you give 1-2 hours a week to offer support and friendship to someone? No experience needed. Volunteer Induction Training - Mondays 23 and 30 September (9:30 am-2:30 pm). Both days must be attended. For more information, contact Leann on 078 4110 1932 or

THE GEMMA McHALE FOUNDATION: On behalf of the Foundation, the McHale family wish to sincerely thank all who helped make Gemma’s 5K & Cycle a great success. A total of £18423 was raised, benefitting many local charities. Gemma’s Foundation is committed to funding the mindfulness programme and providing counselling services in primary schools in 2019/20. Thank you for your continued support since 18 May 2012.

DANCE IN AID OF THE 3A’S CHARITY: Scraghey Community Centre - 14 September at 10:30 pm. Music by Country Roads. Tea served. Admission £5. All welcome!

THE NET: The September edition of The Net is now available. For coverage of your parish or school faith activities, email to or ring/text 078 0929 2852.

CAISLEÁN NA DEIRGE: Social Hub Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. See Facebook for more Club info.

ST PATRICK’S FOOTBALL CLUB: Lotto Numbers – 18, 21, 22, 25. No Lotto or “Match 3 Numbers” winners. Next week’s Jackpot will be £1140.

DREGISH GFC: 300 Club Draw To join, contact a Committee member. £10 per month, with excellent prizes! Lotto Numbers – Last Week 2, 1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7. £50 shared between 4 winners. This Week 5, 3, 6, 7, 2, 4, 1.

£50 to Claire Sweeney. See Facebook for Club information and events.