Question 11: What civil paperwork do we need so as to get married in Enniskillen parish (or elsewhere in Northern Ireland)? -

In Northern Ireland, notice for all marriages must be given to the Civil Registrar in the twelve-month period prior to the date of the marriage. The notices must be submitted early enough to enable the Registrar to be satisfied that both parties are free to marry one another. You need to contact the Registrar’s Office at the Townhall, Enniskillen. Tel 0300-303-1777 (ask for the registrar’s office). The staff there will talk to you about what you need to do. The Registrar will give you a blue-&-white form for you to complete and for the priest to sign. The Marriage Schedule (which is signed after the actual Church wedding) is collected from the Registrar two weeks before the wedding.  

This Schedule is to be brought with you to the wedding practice or given to the Sacristan in the days before the wedding.  This form must be returned to the Registrar’s Office in the Townhall, Enniskillen within three working days of the wedding having taken place. For those reading this who intend to get married in the Republic of Ireland, they should know that there are also special civil law regulations that apply there.