Sunday, 11th August 2019 - Castlederg Parish Newsletter

P A R I S H  O F  A R D S T R A W  W E S T  &  C A S T L E D E R G

St Mary’s, Dregish | St Patrick’s, Castlederg | St Francis of Assisi, Drumnabey

CONTACT: Rev Colm O Doherty PP, 16 Castlefin Road, Castlederg BT81 7BT

Tel: 028 8167 1393 


Parish website:

Diocesan website:

Please Note: Notices for inclusion in Parish Newsletters must be submitted before 12:00 noon on Thursdays. Thank you.

Sunday, 11th August 2019

19th Sunday Ordinary Time



Saturday Vigil Mass 6:00 pm St Patrick’s

Sunday 10:00 am St Mary’s

12:00 noon St Francis of Assisi


Monday 7:30 pm St Patrick’s

Tuesday 9:30 am St Patrick’s

Thursday 10:00 am St Patrick’s

Friday 10:00 am St Patrick’s

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: St Patrick’s Church - Fridays from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm.

CONFESSIONS: St Patrick’s Church - Saturdays from 5:10 to 5:50 pm.

BAPTISMS will be celebrated in St Patrick’s Church on Saturdays 10 August and 14 September at 4:00 pm. Baptisms in St Mary’s and St Francis of Assisi churches are by arrangement (Saturdays also). Please book your child’s Baptism with the Sacristan at least 1 week beforehand.

THANK YOU for your generosity in last week’s Church collection, which amounted to £1960. Your support is much appreciated.


We pray for the happy repose of the souls of

JOHN (JACK) LYNCH RIP, formerly of 21 Drumquin Road, Castlederg, whose Funeral Mass and burial took place last Tuesday in St Patrick’s, Castlederg. We offer our sympathy and prayerful support to Jack’s wife Rose; children Colette, Danny, Kathleen, Kevin, Teresa and Bernie; sons-in-law and daughter-in-law; grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and siblings Hilary, Susan, Kathleen and Eugene. Also to his wider family circle and friends. We pray also for Jack’s deceased daughter Jo RIP and brother Will RIP.

JOHN McHUGH RIP, formerly of 16A Lurganbuoy Road, Castlederg, whose Funeral Mass and burial took place last Wednesday in St Patrick’s, Castlederg. We offer our sympathy and prayerful support to Diana; Kirsty, Kathryn, Sean, Julie and grandchild Kaliya; mother Minnie and siblings Hilary, Veronica, Maoliosa and Mary. Also to his wider family circle and friends. We pray also for John’s deceased father Jim RIP and brother Charlie RIP.

LEO MOLLOY RIP, formerly of 11 Derg Fold, Castlederg, whose cremation took place last Wednesday in Lakeland’s Crematorium, Co Cavan. We offer our sympathy and prayerful support to Leo’s sister Goretti and brother Micheal. Also to his wider family circle and friends.

PATRICK JOSEPH (PATSY) DOHERTY RIP, formerly of 2 Killeter Road, Castlederg, whose Funeral Mass and burial took place last Friday in St Patrick’s, Castlederg. We offer our sympathy and prayerful support to Patsy’s wife Anne; children Jimmy, Kevin and Naoimh; grandchildren; and siblings Thomas, Jimmy, Bernadette, Francess and Kathleen. Also to his wider family circle and friends. We pray also for Patsy’s deceased son Sean RIP and sister Maureen RIP.

May the souls of Jack, John, Leo and Patsy rest in peace.


Led by Bishop Donal McKeown. Stations of the Cross 2:00 pm, Mass 3:00 pm, with Sacrament of the Sick. Buses available, with a variety of pick-up points. For details, contact Fr Patrick Lagan at or 028 7126 2894.

ST EUGENE’S HALL: Walking Group Wednesdays - Leaving Hall at 7:30 pm. History Group Explore subjects like Family History; the Baronscourt Clearances of the Late 1800s; the Effect of the Famine on Dregish; the Role of Dregish in the War of Independence, 100 years ago. Please come along or contact the group for info.

SILENT PROTEST ABOUT PLANNED LIBERALISATION OF ABORTION: Friday 6 September at 7:00 pm at Stormont Estate, Belfast. Wear black or dark colours/carry a mobile phone or other electric light. Strictly no banners, slogans or flyers.

LOUGH DERG: Last day to begin the Three-Day Pilgrimage is Tuesday 13 August. One-Day Retreats resume on Saturday 17 August and continue on specific days until Sunday 29 September. For further information, telephone Maureen or Lorraine on 00353 7198 61518. Email

ST MARIA GORETTI PRAYER MOVEMENT: A Holy Hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Prayer for healing for victims of abuse and reparation for the Church. Veneration of the relic of St Maria Goretti afterwards. In the Immaculate Conception Church, Trench Road, Derry, on Tuesday 20 August at 8:15 pm led by Fr Sean O’Donnell. The Holy Hour is on the third Tuesday of every month. Everyone welcome.

THE LEGION OF MARY PROJECT ANNUAL YOUNG ADULT CATHOLIC CONFERENCE, SEEK BEAUTY; FIND TRUTH (Mary guide our hearts), will take place on Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September. This is a fantastic weekend packed full of interesting events for young Catholics. Prices range from €20 to €50. Accommodation available. See or contact Lucy 00353 8799 59803.

NATIONAL GRANDPARENTS PILGRIMAGE: Sunday 8 September at Our Lady of Knock Shrine, Knock,

Co Mayo. Children’s Prayer Appeal – An invitation to children to write a prayer for their granparents. Prayers will be blessed at the pilgrimage. Please send prayers to Catholic Grandparents Association, Castlebar Street, Westport, Co Mayo. For info, email or phone 00353 8587 04722.

 “THE JOY OF LOVE IN MARRIAGE”: Marriage Enrichment Weekend offering married couples of all ages in a good relationship, private time to rekindle the joy of their love - Dromantine Conference Centre, Newry from 13–15 September and The Lake Hotel Killarney from 15 -17 November (Friday 8:00 pm to Sunday 4:30 pm). For info, visit or phone 087 784 0408 [ROI] or 0770 281 2321 [NI].

PARTNERS IN MISSION: We need you! A Listening Event will take place on Saturday 14 September - 10:30 am to 3:00 pm – in St Joseph’s Parish Hall, Omagh. This will provide an opportunity for dialogue and sharing with those who have worked in pastoral and missionary work overseas and in our local parish. We have so much to learn from each other. Refreshments provided. All welcome. Please contact Bernie on 077 7636 6764 for info.

JOB OPPORTUNITY: Derry Diocesan Trust seeks to recruit a Youth Co-ordinator for the Parish of Templemore (St Eugene’s Cathedral and St Columba’s, Long Tower). Part-time (20 hours), fixed term 1-year contract (possibility of extension). The employee will facilitate the growth of the faith of all youth within the parish, which currently has five primary schools and three post-primary schools. For application packs, please contact or 028 71262302. Completed applications must be returned to Derry Diocesan Trust, Bishop’s House, St Eugene’s Cathedral, Francis Street, Derry, BT48 9AP, or via email, to be received no later than 5:00 pm on Thursday 22 August. Derry Diocesan Trust is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

COMHALTAS’ ANNUAL SUMMER SEISIÚN FINALE takes place Tuesday 13 August in Dún Uladh Cultural Heritage Centre from 13 August. A show of authentic Irish traditional music, song and dance, with performances from the best of talent from across the province. Standard admission £8, U18s £5. Show starts at 8:30 pm. For more information, please contact Dún Uladh on 028 8224 2777.

CAISLEÁN NA DEIRGE: Social Hub Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. Enjoy a game of bowls, cards or darts. Club Kellogs Cuúl Camp Monday 19 to Thursday 23 August. Register at MCBD Academy of Irish Dance Tuesdays 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Contact Niamh on 078 9407 0540. See Facebook for more Club info.

ST PATRICK’S FOOTBALL CLUB: Lotto Numbers – 5, 11, 16, 17. No Lotto or “Match 3 Numbers” winners. Next week’s Jackpot will be £1100.

DREGISH GFC: Lotto Numbers - 14 July 6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 4, 3; £50 shared between 8 winners. 21 July 3, 2, 5, 7, 4, 6, 1; £50 shared between 4 winners. 28 July 4, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 5; £50 to Denise McCaffrey. 4 August 3, 4, 6, 1, 7, 2, 5; £50 to Jo Sweeney. See Facebook for Club information and events. 300 Club Draw To join, contact a Committee member. £10 per month, with excellent prizes up for grabs!