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Sunday, 25th August 2019 - Castlederg Parish Newsletter - |
P A R I S H O F A R D S T R A W W E S T & C A S T L E D E R G St Mary’s, Dregish | St Patrick’s, Castlederg | St Francis of Assisi, Drumnabey CONTACT: Rev Colm O Doherty PP, 16 Castlefin Road, Castlederg BT81 7BT Tel: 028 8167 1393 E-mail parishofficecastlederg@btinternet.com. Parish website: www.castledergparish.com Diocesan website: www.derrydiocese.org Please Note: Notices for inclusion in Parish Newsletters must be submitted before 12:00 noon on Thursdays. Thank you. Sunday, 25th August 2019 21st Sunday Ordinary Time MASS TIMES WEEKEND MASSES Saturday Vigil Mass 6:00 pm St Patrick’s Sunday 10:00 am St Mary’s 12:00 noon St Francis of Assisi WEEKDAY MASSES Monday 7:30 pm St Patrick’s Tuesday 9:30 am St Patrick’s Thursday 10:00 am St Patrick’s Friday 10:00 am St Patrick’s EUCHARISTIC ADORATION St Patrick’s
Church - Fridays from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm. CONFESSIONS St Patrick’s Church - Saturdays from 5:10 to 5:50
pm. BAPTISMS will be celebrated in St Patrick’s Church on Saturdays 14 September and 12 October at 4:00 pm. Baptisms in St Mary’s and St Francis of Assisi churches are by arrangement (Saturdays also). Please book your child’s Baptism with the Sacristan at least 1 week beforehand. THANK YOU for your generosity
in last week’s Church collection, which amounted to £2026. Your support is much
appreciated. ST PATRICK’S CHURCH
CLEANERS THIS WEEK: Group 4 From Saturday 31 August, the parishes of Termonamongan and Ardstraw West and Castlederg will be administered by Fr Paul Fraser, who will live in the Parochial House, Castlederg. Please direct telephone calls to 028 8167 1393 and written communications to 16 Castlefin Road, Castlederg BT81 7BT. Beginning on Saturday 31 August, the following Mass schedule will apply:
St Patrick’s, Castlederg Saturday Vigil: 6:00 pm Second and Fourth Sundays
of the Month: 11:00 am Monday: 7:30 pm Friday: 10:00 am. (If a month has five Sundays, the location of Mass will be announced.)
St Mary’s, Dregish Sunday: 9:00 am St Francis of Assisi, Drumnabey Sunday: 12:30 pm St Patrick’s, Aghyaran Saturday Vigil: 7.30 pm First and Third Sundays
of the Month: 11:00am Tuesday: 10.00 am Thursday: 10.00 am In the event of a funeral occurring on weekdays, morning Mass will be re-located
to the appropriate church. Unfortunately, these plans had to be made prior to Fr Paul’s arrival in the
parish. As he settles in, adjustments will be made to the schedule as required.
To discuss the changes, Fr Paul would like to meet with the sacristans, eucharistic
ministers, readers, those who take part in the Offertory
procession, collectors and counters from each church, as follows: St Francis of Assisi, Drumnabey After 12:30 pm Mass this Sunday, 25 August St Patrick’s, Castlederg After 7:30 pm Mass on Monday, 26 August St Mary’s, Dregish After 9:00 am Mass next Sunday, 1 September We welcome Fr Paul Fraser to the Parish this weekend as he begins his ministry as Parish Priest of Ardstraw West and Castlederg and also as Parish Priest of Aghyaran. We ask God’s blessing on his work and assure him of our ongoing prayers for him in the years ahead. Fr Colm We welcome into God’s family and our parish community, children who have been baptised recently: Breacán Patrick, Cian, Conn Cabhan, Flynn Patrick, Malia Ciara and Teagan Katelyn. May God bless them on their Christian journey through life. We offer our prayerful support to parents and godparents in the duties and responsibilities they have undertaken. NORTHERN IRELAND BLOOD
TRANSFUSION SERVICE Blood donation sessions will be held in Castlederg High School, 16 Castlegore Road, on Tuesday 27 August (1:30 to 4:00 pm and 5:15 to 8:00 pm) and Wednesday 28 August (4:00 to 8:00 pm). Text Blood to 60081 - Call 080 8553 4666. To maintain the vital supply of blood to our hospitals, the service needs the support from new and existing donors. Give blood – you could save a life! SCHOLA: If any singer is interested
in being part of a schola for the pleasure of singing sacred music and for the occasional
liturgical celebration, contact Sr Perpetua at 028 7135 1233. A rehearsal will be
held every third Sunday from 3:00 to 4:15 pm. First Rehearsal – Sunday 25 August - Thornhill House, 121 Culmore Road,
TRUTH (Mary guide our hearts), will take place on Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September. This
is a fantastic weekend packed full of interesting events for young Catholics. Prices
range from €20 to €50. Accommodation available. See www.legionofmary-deusetpatria.com
or contact Lucy at 00353 8799 59803. SILENT PROTEST ON PLANNED
at 7:00 pm - Stormont Estate, Belfast. Wear black or dark colours/carry
a mobile phone or other electric light. Strictly no banners, slogans or flyers. NATIONAL GRANDPARENTS PILGRIMAGE: Sunday 8 September at Our Lady of Knock Shrine, Knock, Co Mayo. Children’s Prayer Appeal – An invitation to children to write a prayer for their grandparents, which will be blessed on the day. For info, contact info@catholicgrandparentsassociation.com or 00353 8587 04722. JOB OPPORTUNITIES - DERRY DIOCESAN TRUST Bishop’s House, St Eugene’s Cathedral, Francis Street, Derry, BT48 9AP. Email: payroll@derrydiocese.org Parish of Maghera - Sacristans Role - Permanent Contract - Part Time Position - 12 hours per week. Preparing the church for all liturgies in accordance with diocesan guidelines and ensuring effective security, maintenance and cleaning of church. For applications, contact Personnel at the above address or email. Completed applications must be returned via post or email by 5:00 pm on Wednesday 11 September. Parish of Templemore (St Eugene’s Cathedral & St Columba’s, Long Tower) - Youth Co-Ordinator - Fixed Term 1-Year Contract (possibility of extension) - Part Time Position - 20 hours per week. Facilitating growth of the faith of youth within the parish, which currently has five primary schools and three post-primary schools. For application packs, please email the office or telephone 028 7126 2302. Completed applications must be returned via post or email by 5:00 pm on Thursday 29 August. Derry Diocesan Trust is an Equal Opportunities Employer FREE COMPUTING FOR BEGINNERS COURSE: Churchtown Centre - Tuesday 10 September from 6:00 to 9:00 pm (8 weeks). Suitable for those who are complete beginners or have limited knowledge. To reserve your place, call Churchtown CA on 028 8167 0652. CAISLEÁN NA DEIRGE Monthly
Meeting Monday 26 August at 7:30 pm preceded by 300 Club Draw. Social Hub Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. MCBD
Academy of Irish Dance Beginner (3+ years) & Advanced Classes - Tuesdays
6:00 to 7:30 pm. Contact Niamh on 078 9407 0540. See Facebook for more Club info. ST PATRICK’S FOOTBALL
CLUB: Lotto Numbers – 2,
9, 13, 16. No Lotto or “Match 3 Numbers” winners. Next week’s Jackpot will be £1120. DREGISH GFC: 300 Club Draw To join, contact a Committee member. £10 per month, with excellent prizes up for grabs! See Facebook for Club information and events. |