Sunday, 29th September 2019 - Castlederg Parish Newsletter

P A R I S H  O F  A R D S T R A W  W E S T  &  C A S T L E D E R G

St Mary’s, Dregish | St Patrick’s, Castlederg | St Francis of Assisi, Drumnabey

CONTACT:Rev Paul Fraser PP, 16 Castlefin Road, Castlederg BT81 7BT - Telephone: 028 8167 1393

Neighbouring Priests

Fr Patsy Arkinson, Sessiaghoneill 00353 7491 31149

Fr Roland Colhoun, Newtownstewart 028 816 61445

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St Vincent de Paul Society Helpline: 028 7138 4488

Parish Website: Diocesan Website:

Please Note: Notices for inclusion in Parish Newsletter must be submitted before 12:00 noon on Thursdays. Thank you. 


Sunday, 29th September 2019

26th Sunday Ordinary Time


 (Saturday 28 September to Sunday 6 October)

St Patrick’s, Castlederg

Saturday Vigil (28 Sep) 6:00 pm Monday 7:30 pm

Sunday (29 Sep) 11:00 am Friday 10:00 am

Saturday Vigil (5 Oct) 6:00 pm

St Mary’s, Dregish:

Sunday 9:00 am

St Francis of Assisi, Drumnabey

Sunday 12:30 pm

St Patrick’s, Aghyaran

Saturday Vigil (28 Sep) 7:30 pm Tuesday 10:00 am

Sunday (29 Sep) 11:00am Thursday 10:00 am

Saturday Vigil (5 Oct) 7:30 pm

Sunday (6 Oct) 11:00 am


Fr Paul will visit the sick of the Parish during this coming week. Please let our house-bound parishioners know when to expect him. It is hoped that visits will begin at 11:00 am.

Tuesday – Dregish and Drumnabey

Thursday – Castlederg Town Area

Friday – Castlederg Rural area

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: St Patrick’s, Castlederg - Fridays from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm.

CONFESSIONS: St Patrick’s, Castlederg - Saturdays from 5:15 to 5:45 pm.

THANK YOU for your generosity towards last week’s Church collection. The total amount collected was £1875. Thank you for your contribution to the Annual Collection for the Trust Fund for Retired Priests. The total amount collected will be published next weekend.

BAPTISMS will be celebrated in St Patrick’s Church on Saturdays 12 October and 9 November at 4:00 pm.

Baptisms in St Mary’s and St Francis of Assisi churches are by arrangement (Saturdays also).


St Patrick’s Offertory Gifts Vigil Mass Devenney Family Sunday Mass Frank & Kathleen Coyle We are looking for families, couples or friends to take part in the Offertory Procession at weekend Masses. If interested, please leave your name in the sacristy. Thank you.

Church Cleaners for this Week - Group 1

St Francis of Assisi Drumnabey Road. Thank you to Garvetagh & Lisleen for September.

St Mary’s Tullymuck. Thank you to Envagh & Leglands for September.

The Parish appreciates those who participate in assisting with Church duties and the co-ordinators.


Throughout history, humans have migrated across the globe, making their homes in new places. Yet, at this moment, we are experiencing the largest migrant and refugee crisis in modern history. Conflict, poverty and violence have forced tens of millions of people away from their homelands into unknown futures because the insecurity of the journey is preferable to the unsafe conditions in their own homes and countries.

We know God is with our sisters and brothers seeking refluge. Will we answer the call to stand with them and recognise that we share their journey?

HEALTH AND SAFETY: The placing of rows of loose chairs along the back aisles of our churches is in breach of Health and Safety Regulations and these have had to be removed. We realise that some people find it difficult to manoeuvre their way into the pews and would ask those who are affected to contact the sacristans, who will provide you with suitable assistance. We need to consider more long-term solutions to this issue and to our statutory requirement to provide suitable, safe wheelchair spaces. All suggestions are welcome and your patience is appreciated.

PARISH PRAYER GROUP: The next Prayer Meeting will be held in St Patrick’s Parish Hall, Castlederg, at 8:00 pm on Friday 11 October and meetings will continue on the second and fourth Fridays of each month. We would encourage as many members of our Parish family as possible to attend. Tea and refreshments served.

ST EUGENE’S HALL: The Parish Walk from St Eugene's Hall to the top of Sliabh Troim (Bessis Bell) was a great success. A large number of walkers enjoyed the walk in warm sunshine. Thank you to the walkers and non-walkers who contributed to our two charities - SMA Missions and 3A’s Africa. Social Dancing Class begins on Thursday 10 October at 8:30 pm. Beginners welcome. Great exercise!

KNOCK SHRINE - A DAY IN HONOUR OF OUR LADY – “Calling All Families”: Consecrate your families to Our Lady on Saturday 5 October at the Pilgrimage Mass, which will be held at 3:00 pm. Followed by testimony, food and music in the Rest and Care Centre and concluding with a Holy Hour to pray for our Priests, Bishops and their Dioceses. To book your seat on the subsidised bus from Sainsbury's car park, Strand Road, Derry, at 8:30 am, please contact Human Life International on 00353 9493 75993 or Cost is €10

USED STAMPS: Missionary Sisters Drogheda and St Patrick Fathers Kiltegan continue to request your support with stamps. UK stamps especially are much sought after. Please remember to leave 1 inch around each stamp; that way it can be safely removed. There are collection boxes for stamps at church doors.

ANAM CARA DONEGAL, an organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Parent Evening on Thursday 10 October at 7:20pm in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Letterkenny. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents, regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent For more information,n see or call our Information Line on 085 2888 888.

COASTAL ROSARY FOR LIFE, FAITH AND LOVE: Join in with thousands of people all around Ireland as we gather on our coasts, near rivers, in our churches, at grottos etc to pray the Rosary for Life, Faith and Love on Sunday 13 October at 2:30 pm. We will join in with many countries around the world. To register a location, please email or visit

BODYFIT: Weekly keep fit classes have resumed in St Patrick’s Parish Hall, Castlederg, on Thursdays at 7:00 pm. A short workout for males and females; suitable for all, from beginner to advanced. Mats supplied. All welcome.

A COFFEE MORNING IN AID OF MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT will take place in Castlederg Library –on Thursday 3 October from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Please come along and support this worthy cause.

A CHARITY FUNDRAISING DANCE in aid of cross border addiction centre will be held on Friday 11 October in the Blacktown Arms, Scraghey Road, Castlederg. Music by Charlie, Claire and Marcus starting at 10:00 pm.

CAISLEÁN NA DEIRGE: MCBD Academy of irish Dance Beginner & Advanced Classes Tuesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm. Contact Niamh Browne-McGranaghan TCRG at 078 9407 0540. See the Facebook page for more Club information.

ST PATRICK’S FOOTBALL CLUB: Lotto Numbers 18, 19, 24, 26. “Match 3 Numbers” - £50 to Hugo McLaughlin. Next week’s Jackpot will be £1170.

DREGISH GFC: Lotto NumbersLast Week 5, 7, 3, 1, 4, 6, 2. £50 shared between 5 winners. This Week 1, 4, 6, 2, 5, 3, 7. £50 shared between 2 winners. 300 Club Draw To join, contact a Committee member. £10 per month, with excellent prizes! See Facebook for Club information and events.