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History of the Parish<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>


Sion Mills was part of the Melmount parish, Strabane until\n1974, when it became a parish in its own right. In the early 1930\'s a temporary\nchurch was blessed by Fr. O\'Kane with permission to hold Mass on Sundays and in\n1935 a parochial house was built due mainly to the efforts of Fr. Willie Devine.\nIn 1939 the temporary church was blessed and called the Church of the Little Flower.


It wasn\'t until October 1961 that plans were accepted for a new church which was\nto be the first of the modern churches in the Derry Diocese with much concentration\non the sanctuary.


The new church of St. Theresa was dedicated and officially opened on August 25,\n1963. The parish priest of Melmount at the time was Fr. Faulkner and the priest\nin Sion Mills was Fr. J Brennan. Sion Mills became a parish in its own right in\n1974 and Fr. Gerard O\'Neill was inducted, by Bishop Edward Daly, as its first parish\npriest.

\nThe church suffered during the troubles and was seriously damaged by bombs in 1985\nand again in 1990. 1991 was a year of repairs and improvements and new heating and\nlighting was installed. The stained-glass windows were replaced. The mortuary chapel\nwas converted into a conference\/crying room and is now also used on Thursdays for\nthe Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.


St. Theresa\'s church, with its famous and impressive Last Supper façade, well-kept\ngrounds and graveyard is an integral part of the parish of Sion Mills.<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>
