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St Joseph\'s Hall in the Parish of Drumragh is situated adjacent to the Sacred Heart Church, was designed and constructed for the People of the parish - a central meeting place for clubs, societies, and other events that bring the community together.<\/span><\/p>



St Joseph\'s Hall <\/span>Booking<\/span> Policy<\/span><\/div>



There has been a dramatic increase in the use of St. Joseph\'s Hall which has created issues for the booking schedule and the maintenance of the Hall. This policy aims to ensure that the Hall runs smoothly allowing groups and individuals who wish to use St Joseph\'s Hall to do so. The Hall Committee hopes for as many groups as possible to use the Hall. However, with increased bookings a willingness by all groups to accommodate one another is essential if the Hall is to function successfully for those involved.<\/span><\/div>


The Booking Policy consists of Booking Guidelines and the Booking Procedure.<\/span><\/div>







Booking Guidelines<\/span><\/div>



1.<\/span> The Committee values the commitment of those groups and individuals who have used the Hall for many years and hopes to ensure their continued use of the Hall. These groups are also asked to recognise the need for some flexibility in their booking to ensure that the Hall runs smoothly.<\/span><\/div>

2.<\/span> As the Hall is a Parish Hall priority will be given to individual Parish events and recognised Parish groups in booking the Hall. As a consequence the Hall Committee reserves the right to cancel bookings already made with others even at short notice.<\/span><\/div><\/span>

3.<\/span> All groups who use the Hall must provide their own Safeguarding Policy. The supervision of children and vulnerable adults both in the Hall, in the grounds of the Hall and the Church grounds is the responsibility of the group or individual who has booked the Hall.<\/span><\/div><\/span>

4.<\/span> All groups using the Hall must ensure that they have own Public Liability Insurance cover and provide a copy of this when booking the Hall. The Booking Committee will provide authorisation for the use of the Hall up to the date of the expiry of the insurance. If the Hall is required beyond that date a new certificate of insurance must be submitted.<\/span><\/div><\/span>

5.<\/span> Groups are expected to respect the fabric and facilities in the Hall. In particular groups are asked to take care in the preparation of sets and props for shows. The painting of sets except for the backdrop will not be allowed in the Hall. The Hall and the stage are to be left free after rehearsal times so that other groups can use the Hall. Groups should leave the Hall as it has been found. Any damage of Hall property by a group or individual members associated with the group the person who has booked the Hall is liable for full payment of this damage.<\/span><\/div><\/span>

6.<\/span> Conscious of the impact on the Booking Schedule of extended periods of rehearsals for shows the Hall Committee will allow no longer than ten sessions for rehearsals.<\/span><\/div><\/span>

7.<\/span> The Hall Caretaker is tasked with implementing the decisions of the Booking Committee and the Hall Committee and is their representative in the Hall. All are asked to work with the caretaker and respect his decisions on the day to day running of the hall. The Caretaker will make bookings for small events such as funeral lunches, or birthday parties. The Caretaker will inform the Booking Committee at their next meeting of these decisions. In the event of any individual or group having an issue with the caretaker this is to be submitted in writing to the Hall Committee.<\/span><\/div>


8. Hall Fees.<\/span><\/div><\/span>

The Hall Committee reserves the right to review the fees at any time. As of March. 2023 the fees are<\/span><\/div>


Booking Procedure<\/span><\/div><\/span>



1.<\/span> The Booking Form can be collected from the Parish Office or St Joseph<\/span>’<\/span>s Hall or downloaded from the Parish Website (<\/a><\/span>). All those using St Joseph\'s Hall accept the conditions in the Booking Policy.<\/span><\/div>

2.<\/span> The completed Booking Form is to be returned to the Booking Committee, St Joseph\'s Hall, 13 Church Street, Omagh by post or email at least three months before the date the Hall is required. A copy of the group\'s or individual<\/span>’<\/span>s private insurance is required with the booking form. For large events a deposit of stg100 is required for each booking which is refundable if the event is cancelled two months in advance of the date of the event.<\/span><\/div><\/span>

3.<\/span> The Booking Committee will meet once a month and decide on the bookings.<\/span><\/div><\/span>

4.<\/span> Each group or individual will be informed of their decision. Please note the Hall is not booked until the group or individual is informed by the Booking Committee.<\/span><\/div><\/span>

5.<\/span> An appeal of the decision of the Booking Committee can be made in writing to the Hall Committee. The decision of the Hall Committee is final.<\/span><\/div><\/span>

6.<\/span> Each group or individual will be invoiced by the Parish Office and payment will be made to St Joseph Hall Account and sent to the Parish Office.<\/span><\/div><\/span>


The Booking Committee will consist of three members of the Hall Committee selected by the Committee.<\/span><\/div><\/span>





The Hall Committee reserves the right to review the fees at any time.<\/span><\/span><\/p>

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD BOOKING FORM<\/a><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/o:p><\/span><\/p>


