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A number of parishioners have enquired about making their weekly contributions.\nThe following methods are available:<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>\n\n


Parish Envelopes:<\/span><\/p>

There is a box at the back of the Cathedral for weekly parish envelopes and\ncontributions for the upkeep of the Cathedral. Please note cheques should be made\npayable to St Eugene’s Cathedral.<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>\n\n


St<\/span>anding Order<\/span><\/p>

If you would like to make your weekly envelope contributions by Standing\nOrder, please contact the Parish Office on 028 71262894\/71365712 or by email\nThank you for your understanding and your continued support to the parish.<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>\n\n


Online Bank Transfer<\/span><\/p>

St Eugene’s Cathedral Bank Account details are –<\/span><\/o:p><\/span><\/p>


Account Name:<\/span> <\/span>St Eugenes Church No 1 A\/C<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>\n\n

Account Number:<\/span> <\/span>55192935<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>\n\n

Sorting Code Number: <\/span><\/span>90-49-74<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>\n\n

IBAN: <\/span><\/span>GB45 BOFI 9049 7455 1929 35<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>\n\n

Branch:<\/span> <\/span>Bank of Ireland, 15 Strand Rd, Derry, BT48 7BT<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>

Click on the button below to make a PayPal Donation...<\/span><\/div>

