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Child Safeguarding in the Parish of Beragh<\/h3><\/div>\n

Child Safeguarding Information.<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>\n\n

Beragh\nParish recognises and upholds the dignity and rights of all children and is\ncommitted to ensuring their safety and well being.  We are committed to safeguarding as an\nintegral part of the life and ministry of the Church and recognise that we also\nhave a special responsibility towards all vulnerable people who are members of\nour faith community.<\/span><\/p>

Our Parish Safeguarding Representatives are;<\/span><\/p>

Carol Grimes<\/span> (07912 979 606);<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>

Mary Darcy<\/span> (07784 559 366) and Maeve McMahon <\/span>(07921 217\n191). <\/span><\/p>


If you have a particular safeguarding concern, you should\nconsult the Diocesan Designated Persons:- \n<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>


Mr Aidan Gordon (<\/span>02837 525 592) or (07841 101 687).<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>



Mrs Eleanor Kelly <\/span>(02837 525 592) or (07584 323\n138).<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>




