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John Paul II Award<\/h3><\/div>\n

Who is the Award for?<\/span><\/p>\n\n

It is\ndesigned for young people who are aged 16\/17. The Award begins in lower sixth and\nfinishes in upper sixth.<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>



– Parish\nInvolvement: 1 activity per week x 20 weeks<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>\n\n

– Social\nAwareness: 1 activity per week x 20 weeks<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>\n\n

– Complete\na Final Summary\/Attend the Living Youth Workshop<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>\n\n

The JPII\nAward aims to support and celebrate the commitment and enthusiasm of young people\nwho are already actively involved in their church and in their local communities\nand invite them to reflect on their involvement. It also encourages young people,\nwho are not already involved, to become involved and to receive the benefits that\ncome from living out their faith in a real and tangible way. The Award should indeed\nmake them realise how important they are in their community and parish. It should\nbring hope and renewed life to those members of our faith community who may be feeling\nfearful about the future of our Church and finally it gives our clergy the opportunity\nto further develop their work with young people.<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>\n\n

Many\nyoung people got involved in their parish by:<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>\n\n

· Reading at Mass<\/span><\/p>

· Joining their parish folk group<\/span><\/p>

· Becoming an altar server<\/span><\/p>

· Being part of the prayer service<\/span><\/p>

· Helping out at their parish’s Children’s Liturgy<\/span><\/p>

· Young people got further involved in their community by:<\/span><\/p>

· Raising money for charity e.g. children in crossfire<\/span><\/p>

· Attending charitable events\/functions<\/span><\/p>

· Attending Lourdes.<\/span><\/p>

· Getting involved in school\/community projects<\/span><\/p>

· Coaching, peer mentoring, buddying<\/span><\/p>

· Helping out at homework clubs.<\/span><\/p><\/blockquote>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n

If you\nare interested in participating in the John Paul II Award please contact the Parish Office.<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>
