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Covid Prayers<\/h3><\/div>\n\n
Novena Prayer to the Sacred Heart<\/span>

O Divine Jesus, who said,
“Ask and you shall receive”,
I kneel at your feet.
From whom shall I ask if not from you,
whose heart is the source of all blessings.
With a lively faith in you,
I come to ask…
Share your petitions silently with the Sacred Heart.
I admit I am most unworthy of your favours, Jesus,
but this is not a reason for me to be discouraged.
You are the God of mercies and you will not refuse a contrite heart.
Look with pity on me,
I beg you, and your compassionate Heart
will find in my weakness a motive for granting my request.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me.



Prayers for the Pandemic: For a household in lockdown<\/span>

God of the indoors,
who knew the confines of domestic space
at a time of little comfort,
help us in this time of confinement,
help us to see it as an act of love, in solidarity
with those who care for us and put their own lives
on the line for the sake of others.
Help us to ‘make room’ for each other, even if room is scarce,
help us to find reserves of patience we never knew we had,
to take offence less easily, to find in our hearts
an easy apology when we’re petulant.
Help us to be attentive, careful, and thoughtful.
May we draw deeply from the well
of our most loving times.
Raymond Friel<\/span>




Prayer for Spiritual Communion<\/span>
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen<\/div>

Resources for praying at home are available on the Irish Bishop’s website ( especially Prayers at Home, where Gathering for Mass is not possible.




Pope Francis’ Prayers to Our Lady<\/span>
First Prayer
O Mary,
You shine continuously on our journey
as a sign of salvation and hope.
We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick,
who, at the foot of the cross,
were united with Jesus’ suffering,
and persevered in your faith.
“Protectress of the Roman people”,
you know our needs,
and we know that you will provide,
so that, as at Cana in Galilee,
joy and celebration may return
after this time of trial.
Help us, Mother of Divine Love,
to conform ourselves to the will of the Father
and to do what Jesus tells us.
For he took upon himself our suffering,
and burdened himself with our sorrows
to bring us, through the cross,
to the joy of the Resurrection.

We fly to your protection,
O Holy Mother of God;
Do not despise our petitions
in our necessities,
but deliver us always
from every danger,
O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.<\/div>


Second Prayer<\/span>

“We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God”.<\/span>
In the present tragic situation, when the whole world is prey to suffering and anxiety, we fly to you, Mother of God and our Mother, and seek refuge under your protection.

Virgin Mary, turn your merciful eyes towards us amid this coronavirus pandemic. Comfort those who are distraught and mourn their loved ones who have died, and at times are buried in a way that grieves them deeply. Be close to those who are concerned for their loved ones who are sick and who, in order to prevent the spread of the disease, cannot be close to them. Fill with hope those who are troubled by the uncertainty of the future and the consequences for the economy and employment.

Mother of God and our Mother, pray for us to God, the Father of mercies, that this great suffering may end and that hope and peace may dawn anew. Plead with your divine Son, as you did at Cana, so that the families of the sick and the victims be comforted, and their hearts be opened to confidence and trust.

Protect those doctors, nurses, health workers and volunteers who are on the frontline of this emergency, and are risking their lives to save others. Support their heroic effort and grant them strength, generosity and continued health.

Be close to those who assist the sick night and day, and to priests who, in their pastoral concern and fidelity to the Gospel, are trying to help and support everyone.

Blessed Virgin, illumine the minds of men and women engaged in scientific research, that they may find effective solutions to overcome this virus.

Support national leaders, that with wisdom, solicitude and generosity they may come to the aid of those lacking the basic necessities of life and may devise social and economic solutions inspired by farsightedness and solidarity.

Mary Most Holy, stir our consciences, so that the enormous funds invested in developing and stockpiling arms will instead be spent on promoting effective research on how to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.

Beloved Mother, help us realize that we are all members of one great family and to recognize the bond that unites us, so that, in a spirit of fraternity and solidarity, we can help to alleviate countless situations of poverty and need. Make us strong in faith, persevering in service, constant in prayer.


PRAYER OF BLESSING<\/h3><\/div>\n\n
Lord God, You sent us your Son to teach us by word and example, <\/div>
that true wisdom comes from you alone. <\/div>
Your Spirit of wisdom fills the earth and teaches us your ways.<\/div>
Send your Spirit on all of us. <\/div>
Grant that we may follow Jesus Christ,<\/div>
the way, the truth and the life,<\/div>
for ever and ever.<\/div>
Amen.<\/span> <\/div>



Lord Jesus, you are the source and lover of life. <\/div>
Reawaken in us respect for every human life.<\/div>
Help us to see in each child the marvellous work of our Creator. <\/div>
Open our hearts to welcome every child as a unique and wonderful gift.<\/div>
Guide the work of doctors, nurses and midwives. <\/div>
May the life of a mother and her baby in the womb be equally cherished and respected.<\/div>
Help those who make our laws to uphold the uniqueness and sacredness of every human life, <\/div>
from the first moment of conception to natural death.<\/div>
Give us wisdom and generosity to build a society that cares for all.<\/div>
Together with Mary, your Mother, in whose womb you took on our human nature, <\/div>
Help us to choose life in every decision we take.<\/div>
We ask this in the joyful hope of eternal life with you, <\/div>
and in the communion of the Blessed Trinity.<\/div>



PRAYER TO MARY OUR MOTHER<\/h3><\/div>\n\n
Our Lady of Knock, pray for us. <\/span><\/div>
All the Saints of Ireland, pray for us.<\/span><\/div>



Mary, you have been there before us.<\/div>
You have stood at the tomb of farewell.<\/div>
We, too, often face painful endings.<\/div>
Like you, we need to eventually let go,<\/div>
believing that the Holy One will console us.<\/div>
You know how grief engulfs the heart<\/div>
and tries to strangle the hope it contains.<\/div>
You have felt the drain of a great loss<\/div>
and the emptiness it creates inside.<\/div>
Teach us how to have confidence in God<\/div>
when we question what the future holds.<\/div>
Strengthen our faith as we try to let go<\/div>
of whatever keeps us from growing deeper.<\/div>
We remember those who are moving through painful farewells . . .<\/div>
(pause for silent or vocal remembering).<\/div>
Mary, teach us how to be people of faith.<\/div>



ST. TERESA OF AVILA\'S BOOKMARK<\/h3><\/div>\n\n
Let nothing disturb you<\/div>
Let nothing frighten you<\/div>
All things pass away<\/div>
God never changes<\/div>
Patience obtains all things<\/div>
Those who have God<\/div>
Find they lack nothing.<\/div>
God alone suffices.<\/div>


GIVING THANKS<\/h3><\/div>\n\n
O Divine Gift-giver,<\/div>
I stand beneath the endless waterfall<\/div>
of your abundant gifts to me.<\/div>
I thank you especially for the blessing of life,<\/div>
the most precious of all your gifts to me.<\/div>
I thank you, Ever-generous One,<\/div>
for clothing to wear,<\/div>
for food and drink to nourish my body, <\/div>
for all the talents and skills that you have bestowed upon me.<\/div>
I thank you for the many joys of my life,<\/div>
for family and friends,<\/div>
for work that gives to me a sense of purpose<\/div>
and invests my life with meaning.<\/div>
I thank you as well<\/div>
for the suffering and trials of my life<\/div>
which are also gifts<\/div>
and which together with my mistakes are among my most important teachers.<\/div>

Grant that I may never greet a new day<\/div>
without the awareness of some gift<\/div>
for which to give you thanks.<\/div>
And may constant thanksgiving<\/div>
be my song of perpetual praise to you.<\/div>



Diocesan Prayer<\/h3><\/div>\n\n

God our Father,<\/div>
we, your people of the diocese of Derry, <\/div>
turn to you in prayer, as our ancestors have done, <\/div>
in good times and bad, since the days of St. Columba and St. Eugene, St. Lurach and St. Mura. <\/div>
Although aware that we are unworthy of your grace, with confidence in your love we ask your help. <\/div>
Support and care for our bishops in their retirement. <\/div>
Give courage and vision to those who are called on to administer the diocese at this time. <\/div>
Grant your wisdom and discernment to those charged with the task of choosing our next bishop. <\/div>
We ask you this in the name of Jesus, your Son,  our Lord.<\/div>

Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.<\/span><\/div>
St Lurach, pray for us.<\/span><\/div>
St Mura, pray for us.<\/span><\/div>
All you saints of the diocese pray for us.<\/span><\/div>



I do not feel that I have anything to offer to you, <\/div>
O God, or to anyone else for that matter.<\/div>
Inside me all is emptiness.<\/div>
I am sitting in the ashes of desolation. <\/div>
I feel swallowed up in a sea of nothingness. <\/div>
Come, let me know the strong refrains of your love running through my inner pockets of poverty.<\/div>
At these times, when I feel so alone,<\/div>
so powerless, so sad and so desolate, <\/div>
the promise of your love does not enthuse me <\/div>
or hearten me.<\/div>

Take this empty spirit of mine, <\/div>
fill it with a deep belief in your abiding presence; <\/div>
allow me to bid farewell to whatever keeps me from relying on you.<\/div>
Help me to see that this emptiness <\/div>
can be a blessing <\/div>
because it puts my life in perspective <\/div>
and allows me to see you <\/div>
as the source of all inner energy and fullness.<\/div>
God of the poor, <\/div>
draw near to me in my need.<\/div>



I chose you today, Mary, <\/div>
in the presence of the angels and the saints of heaven, for my Mother and my Queen.<\/div>
I consecrate to you, in obedience and in love, <\/div>
all I am, and all the good I may do, <\/div>
putting myself and all that belongs to me <\/div>
entirely at your service, <\/div>
for the greater glory of God in time and in eternity.<\/div>


Mary, you have been there before me, <\/div>
weary and worn out from the long vigil,<\/div>
saddened by the pain of your loved one,<\/div>
heartbroken over what you could not change.<\/div>

Your valiant stance beneath the cross<\/div>
tells me of your unceasing love.<\/div>
Long years of unfailing faith upheld you.<\/div>
Kind friends by your side sustained you.<\/div>
I, too, am standing with a loved one <\/div>
who hangs upon the cross of suffering.<\/div>
I, too, am powerless to help.<\/div>
Teach me how to stand beneath this cross.<\/div>

Woman of Compassion, Mother of Sorrows,<\/div>
I draw inspiration from your journey.<\/div>
I, too, can move through the pain of my present situation.<\/div>
Your faith and courage lead me to my own.<\/div>



ONE WHO IS LONELY<\/h3><\/div>\n\n
Eternal Presence,<\/div>
you are with me on my journey.<\/div>
You know the loneliness<\/div>
that wraps around my heart<\/div>
and leaves a void of sadness.<\/div>
Comfort me on my dreary days<\/div>
when emptiness is all I know.<\/div>

Do not let me succumb <\/div>
to isolated self-pity.<\/div>
Let me experience your presence.<\/div>
Fill my downcast spirit <\/div>
with your joy.<\/div>
Keep me close to your abiding love.<\/div>
with every step I take.<\/div>



This Universal Prayer For Grandparents was composed by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in 2008.<\/span><\/div>

Lord Jesus,<\/div>
you were born of the Virgin Mary, the daughter of Saints Joachim and Anne.<\/div>
Look with love on grandparents the world over. Protect them!<\/div>
They are a source of enrichment for families, for the Church and for all of society.<\/div>
Support them! As they grow older, may they continue to be for their families strong pillars of Gospel faith,<\/div>
guardians of noble domestic ideals, living treasuries of sound religious traditions.<\/div>
Make them teachers of wisdom and courage,<\/div>
that they may pass on to future generations the fruits of their mature human and spiritual experience.<\/div>

Lord Jesus,<\/div>
help families and society to value the presence and roles of grandparents.<\/div>
May they never be ignored or excluded, but always encounter respect and love.<\/div>
Help them to live serenely and to feel welcomed in all the years of life which you give them.<\/div>
Mary, Mother of all the living, keep grandparents constantly in your care, accompany them on their earthly pilgrimage,<\/div>
and by your prayers, grant that all families may one day be reunited in our heavenly homeland,<\/div>
where you await all humanity for the great embrace of life without end.<\/div>




LOVE POEM TO GOD<\/h3><\/div>\n\n
God speaks to each of us as he makes us,<\/div>
then walks with us silently out of the night.<\/div>
These are the words we dimly hear;<\/div>
You, sent out beyond your recall,<\/div>
go to the limits of your longing.<\/div>
Embody me.<\/div>
Flare up like a flame<\/div>
and make big shadows I can move in.<\/div>
Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. <\/div>
Just keep going. No feeling is final.<\/div>
Don\'t let yourself lose me.<\/div>
Nearby is the country they call life,<\/div>
You will know it by its seriousness.<\/div>
Give me your hand.<\/div>



Begin again, and again,<\/div>
and again,<\/div>
deliberately, with intention,<\/div>
each day <\/div>

opening the heart’s door,<\/div>
seeking to unite<\/div>
with the divine companion,<\/div>
eager to abide with us.<\/div>

Stop squirming.<\/div>
Release clinging.<\/div>
Let go of the binding chains<\/div>
to self-willed ways.<\/div>

Begin again, and again,<\/div>
and again,<\/div>
with ardent faith<\/div>
and endless vigil.<\/div>

Never give up on praying.<\/div>

Countless are the paths<\/div>
leading to the heart’s home<\/div>
where Ancient Love<\/div>
anticipates us,<\/div>

waiting, always waiting,<\/div>
while our restless heart turns<\/div>
inward, as we listen<\/div>

for the whisper<\/div>
of remembrance,<\/div>
the taste of an Eternal One<\/div>
here, yet, far,<\/div>

the fragrance of the divine breath,<\/div>
for a few delicious<\/div>
moments, touching our soul.<\/div>

– Joyce Rupp.<\/div>



GOD\'S EMBRACE<\/h3><\/div>\n\n
Guardian of the Wounded,<\/div>
wrap me in your embrace.<\/div>
Hold me close to your heart<\/div>
and assure me of your love.<\/div>
Protect my sore spirit.<\/div>
Ease the pain that it holds.<\/div>

You are always ready<\/div>
to embrace me,<\/div>
no matter how hurt or desolate<\/div>
my heart may be.<\/div>
I will trust you with my pain.<\/div>
I will rest in your solace.<\/div>
I will take refuge in your love.<\/div>

