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Parish Churches <\/h3><\/div>\n

St Malachy\'s Church, Seskinore.<\/span> <\/span><\/p>

The Catholic Church in the village was originally a dwelling\nhouse which was purchased, in 1839, by the Catholic Community and was enlarged and\nfitted out as a place of worship. Extensive repairs were carried out c.1906 and\nit has remained substantially unchanged since.<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>


\nDrumduff Church.<\/span> <\/span><\/p>

It is built in a modern style and has a nice bell at the\nfront. The graveyard is adjacent to it.<\/o:p><\/span><\/p>

Welcome to our parish!<\/h3><\/div>\n

Situated just outside Omagh, the Parish of Beragh is centred\naround the village of Beragh, a traditional rural area, steeped in tradition\nand all the features of a typical Irish Village.  It\'s apt that the first\nthing you meet entering the village is the modern looking Church and Bell\nTower.  The spiritual needs of the Parish are administered by our\nParish Priest, Monsignor Colum Curry. <\/span><\/o:p><\/p>
