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Hello Everyone, It\'s been a while now since\nI\'ve been in contact. I suppose after being more than 10 years here I think\npeople at home are weary of hearing too much of the comings and goings of life\nin South Sudan as not too much changes from year to year. However, this year\nthe Pope is coming on Friday to our Capital City - Juba for a 3 day visit. We\nare all going there to meet him. A Loreto Sr. from Bray has organised a 9 day\nPeace Pilgrimage to walk from here in Rumbek to Juba - a distance of nearly 300\nkm. Even the Bishop who got shot in the legs 2 years ago is walking with\nthem. I am enclosing a short video link of their walk. I will attach some\nphotos of our own going Church, farming and relief activities and 3\nstories of abandoned babies and how they were saved. Blessings. John <\/span> Stories of Abandoned\nBabies from the orphanage here. <\/span><\/span> The baby was thrown away by\nan unknown mother at Akuac, near Savanah Secondary school in Rumbek. The baby\nwas put in the Bush by its mother. At around 8pm in the evening, \nsome people went to ease themselves in the Bush as they have no latrines at\nhome. So they wait until it is dark before going to the toilet. People did hear\na baby crying but they didn\'t pass any remarks on it until a young boy called\nSebit ran home and told his mother that there is a baby lying in the Bush. The\nboy said he didn\'t see any big person around, just the tiny baby lying\nall by itself. The mother of Sebit rushed with Sebit to see where the baby was\nlying. She called two other people to go with her and got a long bamboo cane in\ncase it actually might be a baby of a lion or some other wild animal that had\ngiven birth in the Bush. When the reached the place , the other people said let\nus go back as it is dark and dangerous here but the mother of Sebit insisted on\ngoing to see where the sound of crying was coming from. Another young man\nwas in the area and when he saw the woman moving the torch from side to side he\nasked if they had lost something. The women said we hear the sound of a\nbaby crying. I also heard it said the young man. Use your phone torch\nto help us said the women. The women were fearing to move closer to the sound\nof the crying, so the man took the bamboo stick from the woman and went\ncloser to the sound of crying. When he saw something in the dirt , he proded it\nwith the bamboo stick and relaized it was indeed a baby. The mother of\nSebit immediately picked up the naked baby and brought it to the police\nstation. The police registered the\nbaby and then brought it to the local government hospital. The baby girl had a\nswelling on one side of the head, it had been covered in dirt and flies. The\numbilical cord had not been well cut and was still bleeding, so the\ndoctor stopped the bleeding and bound up the wound. The hospital called the\nMissionaries of Charity who came to collect the baby girl who was named Atheen\nas she was found in the evening. The girl who is now 13 days old is being\ncared for by the Missionaries of Charity. Two weeks ago a mother with\ntwins was having complications in delivery as she was still a very young girl.\nAlso , one of the babies had its leg on the other babies neck. So the doctor\ntold her that they would have to operate on her. She said better to save my\nchildren even if I have to die. But her husband refused to sign a document\nallowing the doctor to do the operation. The woman was 4 days in labour\nand in great distress so some of the relatives called her brother to come and\nsign the document. He came immediately and signed and the doctor\ndelivered the twins but the young woman died Immediately. The twins - a\nboy and a girl were not in good condition but they are recovering slowly in the\nMissionaries of Charity compound , being looked after by their grandmother who\nhas a broken hand. 3rd story . A young mother\nwas brought to the sisters compound many years ago just after giving\nbirth to a baby girl. For whatever reason, the mother abandoned the\nbaby the next day and fled the compound. She was never found again. The sisters\nraised the baby and The girl was named Nyalang after the Superior of the\nconvent . That girl child is now 14 years old and going to primary\nschool. February 2022<\/span> Fr John Skinnader - Back in South Sudan.<\/span> Greetings. Hope you are still surviving the long lockdown. Here, we are\nblessed in that the virus is only coming and going in stages. When we have cold\nspells – it seems to emerge from hibernation - <\/span>otherwise it doesnt impinge on us too much <\/span>- so we can move around freely without masks\nin brilliant sunshine - so we are the lucky ones. But as one of our Church\nmembers exclaimed when I was speaking about the virus – she said the only\nCorona we have to fear here in South Sudan is VIOLENCE Despite the lockdown of schools and churches closed we continue with\ndifferent ministries here.
A link to an article sent by Fr John to day...<\/span>
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